We have not yet founded a Limited company (Ltd.), for lack of financial ressources.
At the moment, the website's owner funds the company's expenses out of her own pocket.
Because of this, our tax office advised us to found our company when we can secure its preservation financially.
Of course this is going to happen as soon as possible, so we can start the realisation of our passion project!
In the event of the failure of the Ltd. Company foundation all funds availabe in the donation account will be donated to our supporters such as the WDC.
Thus, the money is not lost and continues to benifit animal nature conservation.
Jennifer Freundel
Hagedornstraße 22
45357 Essen
North Rhine-Westphalia
Telephone: 015783787154
The owner of this website, Jennifer Freundel, commits herself to use all donations to found a limited company (Ltd.) with the purpose of opening an animal free zoo.